Life Events That Can Affect Your Benefits

(Birth, Death, Disability, Marriage, Divorce, Children Growing Up, Relocation, etc.)

Many of life’s events can have an important impact on your benefits. Certain ones -  such as moving or when your family grows - could affect your Equity-League Funds’ (ELF) benefits. If you don’t notify us promptly of these changes, you may miss certain opportunities available to you.

Below are links to summary information about how different life events may affect your benefits under the different ELF Plans. Typically, the ELF office needs to be contacted as soon as possible – typically within 30 days for most of these events. Ones such as moving, adding, or changing beneficiaries, or when a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is issued should be sent in as soon as possible.

You add or change beneficiaries

When certain life events – such as marriage, divorce, or having a child – occur, you may wish to change or add beneficiaries for your Equity-League Funds (ELF) retirement benefits.

For both the ELF Pension and 401(k) plans, if you are married, your spouse is automatically your beneficiary. To name a beneficiary for your retirement benefits who is not your spouse, your spouse must consent in writing. Refer to the for complete information about this requirement.

Changing your beneficiary designations

To make an initial beneficiary designation or to change your beneficiaries (or the allocations to beneficiaries), you must complete and return standard beneficiary forms, which are separate for the two funds. You’ll find current versions of these beneficiary forms on our Pension forms and 401(k) forms pages.

Divorce can automatically change your beneficiaries

Following a divorce or legal annulment, your ex-spouse will be automatically removed as your beneficiary (if previously designated as your beneficiary) unless a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) stipulates otherwise. If you wish your ex-spouse to continue as your beneficiary, a separate (non-standard) form is required. Please download, complete, and submit a Re-designation of Former Spouse as Beneficiary Form.